grizzly bearAlaskan brown bear and the Grizzly bear are genetically the same species with the only differences being their size and habitat. Alaskan brown bears inhabit the areas around the coastal regions within 100 miles of the shoreline; Grizzlies inhabit the interior partially forested areas. Alaskan brown bears are huge in size and they feed on salmon, deer, elk, livestock, and other animals and live in much milder climate. Alaskan brown bears can grow up to 10 feet and weigh as much as 1500 pounds. They have a very broad head, strong well-built body, large jaws; heavy paws with long and powerful claws. The grizzly lives in the interiors and generally eats berries, small mammals and rodents.
A nonresident hunter has to be accompanied by a licensed guide or an Alaskan resident over 19 years of age, who is realted within the second degree of kindred. eg - mother , father, grandparent, son/daughter-in-law, father/mother-in-law, step mother or father.  A non-resident alien needs to be accompanied by a guide licensed to hunt big game. Professional guides help hunters in every step, right from choosing the correct hunting gear and selecting the best hunting spots, to the size of the bear. Hunting season is open for 8 months from the end of March to the middle of October. Spring is the best time to hunt brownies as they have thick long hair, a full dense coat and large sharp claws.
Hunting guides will direct you on the equipment required for the hunt. These include a high power rifle, with heavy bullets that retain mass and penetrate deep (250 grain premium bullets) as brown bears are large bodied with formidable bone structure. If bowhunting, your rig should be putting out at least 65ft.lbs. of kenitic energy. The purpose of going on this challenging hunt is to bring back a good trophy for a bear skin rug, and not go trailing an injured bear. Other gear includes a gas stove, foodstuff, spotting scope, a good pair of binoculars, flashlight, and sharp broad knife for skinning the bear, warm clothes, good water proof hunting boots, 4 to six pairs of warm socks, insulated hat, bag for carrying skin, salt, rain coat, additional batteries, insect repellant, water bottle, and first aid kit.
The sight of a large brown bear in the wilderness is something to be experienced. Preparation for the hunt is necessary to withstand the harsh conditions in the wilderness. Build up your stamina as long treks and stalking with ankle fit hip boots is involved. Climbing stairs with a weight of 25 pounds on your back will strengthen your legs and also build your stamina. It is recommended to practice shooting in the kneeling, standing, and sitting positions to get the feel of your gun. Go light into the bush with a backpack, as this will allow you to move in different directions as required while trailing.
The hunting expedition may take several days; the guide will set up a camp and will look for the areas, which are frequented by large brown bears. You may glass for hours before you spot one you want to take but it could be 2 miles away, trek cautiously as bear’s sense of smell and hearing are excellent. Determine the sex of the brown bear; males are larger and solitary unless breeding, have short and stout legs and larger ears. Brown bears breed slowly and it is best to avoid females with cubs. Look closely if there are bald patches, generally late fall is the best time as the bears are well furred with new hair growth.
Timing your brown bear hunt when the daylight hours are longer is recommended, as it is easy to spot the brown bear and stalk it. Get as close to the bear as possible avoiding the wind on your back as the bear may sense you. Get to about 200 yards before taking a shot; a clean shot taken between the two lungs is sure to bring down the bear. In case the bear is alerted and charges towards you aim for the shoulder blade to break a bone and stop the charge. However, keep in mind that you don’t want to damage the trophy with excessive bullet shots. If the skull has a bullet hole, it will not be eligible for trophy scoring in record books.
The Alaskan brown bear trophy is coveted by most hunters.

Bear Hunting Tips & Tricks

The North American black bear is a hefty animal with a thick hairy coat that is usually black but can also be chocolate brown, blonde or even white. It is a forest dweller and its habitat is characterized by heavy, thick vegetation that has an abundance of fruit and nut bearing trees and shrubs all around.
Nose to tail, ablack bear can measure eight feet plus. Boars are larger than sows in size. However, it usually walks on all fours and stands up to three feet at shoulder height. Adult males weigh anywhere between 250 to 600 pounds. Black bears are possessed with a sharp olfactory sense and walk with a shuffling gait. Black Bears are smaller than grizzly bears, Alaskan brown bears, and polar bears, but are more accessable to hunt.
Justin Ott with his 2007 spring archery black bearThe black bear generally does not attack humans unless wounded or threatened. If you plan to go black bear hunting it is good if you have previous big game hunting experience. Black bear hunting requires a high level of stalking skill on the part of the hunter and is a test for his trailing abilities in the field. It is also necessary for the hunter to carry suitable hunting equipment for the hunting trip.
Stealth is of great importance while hunting black bear. They are quickly startled by sudden movements and can soon disappear if they detect wild movement like flailing arms or weapons. It is important that the hunter moves very quietly. Care should be exercised to make sure that one wears clothes that do not rustle while walking and boots that do not make noise. Remember that no tip will help your success as much as pre season scouting before your hunting trip.
With a highly developed sense of smell, black bears are able to detect smells emanating from bodies.  To maximize your chances of success you should use scent covers to mask your scent while stalking in on that record book black bear. Tobacco smoke has a very distinctive smell and can put the bear on alert at once. The black bear hunter should avoid smoking if he wants to improve his chances of coming across the bear. Smoking should be avoided during or even before the hunt; because the scent can permeate clothing and be carried along to scare the prey, which can immediately sense the unfamiliar scent. Keeping track of wind direction is also crucial to prevent the bear from detecting your presence and therefore the bear should always be stalked upwind.
When spotting a black bear during the hunt either from the ground or from a tree stand at a bait staition, it is important to remain calm and take time to aim and execute the shot carefully, adjusting it to hit a vital organ. Anybear anatomy tendency to rush a shot should be calmed down by waiting or taking a deep breath. This will prevent losing a good trophy bear, as black bears can move very quickly over considerable distances if wounded with a poor shot. Once you have the black bear recovered, remember to keep the skull for a scoring and for to make a European bear skull.
You also have to be aware of applicable gaming laws. An appropriate gaming license should be obtained before going black bear hunting. A hunter needs to be careful to stay within restrictions. For example, shooting a female bear that has cubs is illegal. It is essential to check laws affecting the hunt before proceeding with the hunt. In case of doubt, checking with any outfitter or game warden can get the right answers.
The spring black bear season when either sex may be harvested is usually from mid April to the end of June. The fall season is all through September and November. However there can be a difference of a few days between different States and Provinces. Check out this great DVD and Book on Black Bear Hunting Tips
Hunter with BearBear hunting licenses, like all other gaming licenses, are issued through agents located inside every State and Province. Many States have introduced an online system for making a hunting license application to the State’s Fish and Gaming department. This has greatly simplified matters. It is also possible to apply for licenses to the gaming department of a State through fax or mail order.
The authour pictured here with his first ever black bear.
This site has some handy information on black bear hunting facts:
Talk to a taxidermist before you go out bear hunting and get familiar with skinning for a bear rug.

Bear Anatomy and Shot Placement Guide

Knowing where the bears organs is an important part of bear hunting. The best shot with a bow and arrow is when the bear is quartering away with it's front shoulder moving forwards so you can sneak an arrow into the kill zone with out any bone obstruction. I like to imagine a straight line going through the animal that way you can visualize where the projectile will cross. Please view the PDF file displaying the vital organs and kill zone of a bear.
bear shot placement
bear anatomy

Baiting Black Bears

Black bears are considered dangerous predators and some areas of North America allow hunting black bears during declared hunting seasons. Bears are hunted in different ways such as spot and stalk or baiting. The method chosen by the hunter depends on many factors such as age of the hunter, his physical condition, the type of terrain, and of course hunter’s preference.
It is a widely believed misconception that bait hunting is for hunters with poor or limited mobility or handicapped hunters. Hunter preference and local gaming laws decide the method adopted by the hunter. If you are on a hunting expedition looking for moose or caribou and would also like to take a black bear if presented with an opportunity, you probably will be spot and stalk hunting.
Hunting with bait is a controversial and much debated subject. There are some who consider baiting as unethical, giving the hunter unfair advantage and violating the fair chase ethics. However both forms of hunting are effective for completely different reasons. Hunters who are older and unable to hike long distances over demanding terrain might prefer hunting using bait stations for hunting black bears. In some habitats due to the thick forest cover spotting and stalking is ruled out and hence using bait is more practical. In places such as beaches, coastal areas, mountainous terrain and hillsides it is easy to spot the bear with the scope and stalk it before taking a shot. Even hunters who love the outdoors and prefer to see a variety of animals in the wild like moose, mountain goat, sheep, caribou, might set up baits in certain areas for targeting a record book trophy black bear.
Baiting is an excellent option as it allows hunters to be selective for the size, evaluate the quality of the hide, determine if it’s a sow with cubs, and offers the hunter a clean shot for quick kill.
Setting bait stations: The first thing that you have to do is familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations covering use of bait to hunt black bears. The next step is registering your bait station. It’s your responsibility to maintain the baiting station and also clean it. In some places it is mandatory for the hunters to attend a bear-baiting clinic to get a registration permit. At the most two permits are issued to a hunter. Incase you choose to relocate your bait station, report the change to the authorities.
Location: Hunting regulations require the bait to be located at least a quarter of a mile away from the roads and public trails and at least a mile away from human habitation such as camp grounds, seasonal cabins, and recreational areas. Establishing bait stations well away from the trails, in fact miles away, is a better idea. Scouting will help you locate spots with a good source of water, like streams, rivers, and marshy wetlands are ideal. The area should have ample food source and a heavy forest cover. Claw marks are also a good indicator of bear presence. Generally bears travel for miles along waterways, ridges and valleys.
In some places such as Alberta, you can set up your bait two weeks before the hunting season opens.
Bait recipes: Bears are omnivorous and can polish off everything from meat to bread and even pastries. Bears have highly developed olfactory organs and can sense food from miles away. Make sure that the bait has a strong odor or stink. Beavers are a staple diet of black bears and a decaying beaver carcass combined with rotting fish guts serves as great bait. Last but not the least, pour a bucket of grease or cooking oil around the bait to create a trail to lure other bears. Bait station can be a simple barrel camouflaged with logs and branches allowing the bear to dig out a small amount of food at a time.
Tree stands: Place the tree stand at least 20 yards away from the bait. The tree stand should be sufficiently elevated to offer clear visibility and should also blend in with the surroundings to avoid detection. Having a full body safety harness is highly recommended to avoid accidents.
Choose a bear: Judging the size of the bear is difficult in the wild. Smaller bears will appear to have larger ears whereas larger bears will appear to have smaller ears when compared to their head. In smaller bears the ears to nose triangle will be skinny compared to broader triangles in mature fully-grown bears. Larger bears have short stocky legs, rounded head and their belly will appear closer to the ground. Larger bears move slowly yet confidently. If you are looking for a quality hide wait and see both the sides of the bear before taking a shot. The bear’s vital organs are less protected when its front legs are stepping forward. It is recommended that archers take a broadside shot, as less penetration is required to reach the heart and lungs. Hunters using a firearm may take a broadside shot or a quartering away shot. Proficiency in handling the firearm and knowing the basic anatomy of the bear will result in perfect shot placement for a quick and effective kill. Baiting is further discussed on video and book in The Black Bear Hunting Encyclopedia.
Bear hunting is an exciting activiy that  catches the heart of most big game hunters. Bear hunting can be done in the fall and spring, and the latter can be a great way to get out in the woods during the off season and keep your hunting skills sharp. Due to the many opportunities available, bear hunting has become very popular. Different types of bear hunting include; black bear hunting, grizzly bear hunting, polar bear hunting, and Alaskan brown bear hunting. Bear meat is also good eating despite what some naysayers might have you beleive. With the next bear that you harvest, try these bear meat recipes.